vineri, 25 martie 2011

Friends 'till the end....

         A simple smile, a loving word, a joke to brighten up the day,
A phone call when i'm not at my best, a light to lead the way,
An ear to listen, a heart to accept, to love and understand,
The simple way you came to me, the gentle touch of your hand.

The way we think a lot alike on fun or serious things,
It seems like everything has taken it's wings.
Through days and weeks and even years we have shared a lot "deep" within,
but guaranteed with love and trust, that's a good way to begin.

And because:
When I was weak, you were strong.
When I stumbled, you led the way.
When I was blind, you could see.
When I was silent, you spoke.

When I needed advice, you were there.
When I needed a shoulder to cry on, you were there.
When I needed someone to cheer me up, you were there.
When I needed a friend the most, you were there.
                                                      Thank you!
                                                                                         To Beth.....

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